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How To Finish Those Projects You Start But Never Get Around to Finishing


Do you have a heap of unfinished objects or projects (otherwise known as UFOs) in a stash somewhere?  Projects that you start but never seem to get around to finishing?

I have had my fair share of UFOs – knitted scarfs, cross stitch projects, crochet vests.  I still have some.  One day I’ll finish them.  Sound familiar?  Meanwhile I’m starting and finishing other projects.

At present my crochet hook is busy making something big.  Yep it’s big.  So big that it’s testing my resolve to finish it.  But I’m going to finish it.  Do you want to know what I’m doing to make sure I finish it?

You need to want to finish off every project you start. Otherwise why start it?

You need to want to finish every project you start.  Imagine it finished and being used.  If it’s a jumper imagine it being worn, if it’s a wall hanging imagine it looking fabulous on the wall, if it’s a cushion imagine how good your sofa will look with the cushion sitting on it.  Think how useful or wonderful it will be to have created it and be able to use it. Keep thinking this when you feel tempted to stop or not pick it up.

And for all those UFOs that you’ve got hidden away somewhere, taking up energy every time you think “I really should finish that” why don’t you have a good look at them and decide if you want to finish them or not.  If not, send them to Vinnies for someone else to finish and enjoy.  Then get stuck into those UFOs you’ve got left and finish them.  It feels good when there’s no UFOs lurking in the background.

What UFOs have you got at present?



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