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Dealing with Overwhelm


How are you going? Are you coping with the craziness of your modern life?

Last week I was well and truly overwhelmed and it wasn’t enjoyable. I didn’t know what to do. I decided I should give myself some loving advice, just like I would if I was talking to a friend.

So I wrote myself a letter and I thought my letter might help you too. Here it is:

Dear Lynda,

I know you’re feeling overwhelmed today – it feels like there’s so many things you want to get done before the end of the year and you’ve got a horrible, horrible cold that’s making you feel lousy. It feels like you’re in a big black hole that you can’t find the way out of. You feel anxious, frustrated and very, very cranky. It feels horrible!

As your loving self, I want you to feel peaceful, calm and happy. I’m going to give you some guidance to help you move forward and out of overwhelm.

  • My advice to you is this – you are wonderful and you’re doing great. It may not feel like it right now but it’s true. I want you to say this out loud 3 times – “I am wonderful just the way I am”.
  • Now I want you to take 3 deep breaths. Slowly take a big deep breath in and as you slowly release the breath relax you body.
  • Now go and get a piece of paper and a pen. Write down everything that is floating around in your head, then fold the piece of paper and put it in your diary. If you need to refer or add to it later you can. For now it’s all under control.

The only thing you need to do now is rest so your body can heal. Listen to what your body is telling you and respect its wisdom.

Remember that it’s okay to look after yourself, if you do this then everything else will fall into place.

Your Loving Self.

I felt a bit silly writing myself a letter and I was amazed (and relieved) when it made me feel a bit better.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Have you ever written yourself a letter?


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