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How to be happy and calm when life gets crazy

Categories: Creative Happy Life

I don’t know about you, but things have been crazy over the last couple of weeks! There’s been Finders Keepers, the Pop Up Shop, heaps of organising and making and planning . . . . so much! And everyone I talk to seems to say the same thing “life is just so crazy at present”!

With all the craziness I’ve found myself falling in old habits – too much pushing and not enough rest, lots of masculine energy and not enough feminine energy. Not to mention burning the candle at both ends. I’m tired and plain old cranky and it doesn’t feel good at all.

So I thought it was time for me to write down my top tips for staying happy and calm during all the craziness, and then I’m going to take my own advice.


create daily

I get so caught up in everything that I “need” to do that I forget to prioritise myself and I end up wearing myself down. I need to make to recharge my batteries during the day and my favourite way of doing this is doing something creative each day.

I like to either knit or crochet each night before I fall asleep and at night I’ve been so tired that the knitting and crocheting just hasn’t been happening. This week I’m going to make crocheting a priority and make sure it happens every night.



Meditation has been a game changer for me because it helps me to balance out my mind, body and soul. I’m able to let go of all the stories in my head, feel into my body and open up more to my soul. It feels sooo good to do this, it’s a real release.

Meditating is not just sitting cross legged and going “om”, sometimes I meditate before I get out of bed in the morning, when I’m enjoying a cup of tea out on the deck, I listen to a guided meditation (and sometimes fall asleep), as I’m going for a walk or while I’m crocheting. The key is to set the intention to be mindful, to release the mind and feel into your body. The rest will follow in whatever way is perfect for you in that moment.


It is possible to feel happy and calm, even when life gets crazy. I’m looking forward to making a couple of changes in my life so I feel calmer and happier.

With love, Lynda.



How to be happy and calm when life gets crazy (especially at Christmas) | Homelea Lass

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