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Using Mindful Crochet to Thrive this Christmas

Categories: Creative Happy Life

Here at Homelea Lass, we’re passionate about making beautiful things and making a beautiful life.

One of my favourite ways of combining these is through Mindful Crochet – I use a pattern as my anchor and allow my intuition to guide me to colours, fibre, yarn and hook size and even the size and form. As I’m making I focus inwards and it helps me to connect deeply with myself, and it nourishes my soul.

With Christmas approaching I’m aware of just how draining this time of year is for me and I’m starting a new Mindful Crochet project that I can tap into each day to reconnect with who I am, and fill up my energetic cup.


Would you love to join me in starting your Mindful Crochet project too?

Get the online class where I’ll guide you through intuitively selecting what you’ll use and give you tools to let your crochet blanket help you thrive this Christmas.


With love, Lynda.


Using Mindful Crochet To Survive Christmas | Homelea Lass



be inspired and learn more about crocheting