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How to Crochet Beautiful Chunky Blankets


One of the questions I get asked regularly is “how do I make my chunky blankets look beautiful?”

It’s important that when you’re spending your precious time crocheting, what you make looks beautiful and well presented.


My top tips for crocheting beautiful blankets are:

  1. Give yourself some space to adjust to using the bigger crochet hook. Do at least 4 rows to let your hands and mind adjust to the different size yarn and hook, and if you’re not happy with the tension, then pull it out and do it again.
  2. If you’re not happy with your tension at the end of row 1 do another couple of rows and give your crocheting a jiggle. Chunky merino wool yarn is forgiving and some extra rows can make a difference to how your stitches sit.
  3. To get straight edges put a stitch marker into the stitches at the start and end of the row and always turn your crocheting the same way at the end of the row.
  4. Create seamless joins by using the Chunky Yarn Joining Kit to join the new balls of yarn – bulky joins are unsightly!
  5. Embrace imperfection – the nature of handmade is imperfection and this is what makes each blanket uniquely beautiful. Enjoy the making and your enjoyment and love will be woven into each stitch.
  6. Use a quality natural yarn – my customers regularly comment that their Homelea Bliss blankets look so much nicer than their other blankets.


Happy crocheting!

With love, Lynda.


Crochet beautiful chunky blankets | Homelea Lass


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