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How to Make a Crocheted Snowflake Garland

It’s been a hot and dry Christmas and New Year in my part of the world.  We had some green grass before Christmas, but as we’ve had no rain it’s all turned brown and crisp.  Except for the bit of lawn near the back door, we’ve been watering it so it’s lovely and green.  A little bit of green grass makes me feel happy when it’s so dry.
In total contrast to the heat is the snowflake garland I crocheted, and I’m going to share with you how I made it.  It’s really easy to make once you’ve made the snowflakes.  The thing I love about it is it’s not just a Christmas decoration – you can make it for a snow themed party or just because you like it.  I’m tempted to keep this one up for a little bit longer!

What you’ll need

  • 12 small Let It Snow crocheted snowflakes (you can find the pattern here)
  • Coloured yarn or twine
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape


By following this tutorial you’ll make a garland 2.2m long, depending on the thickness of the yarn or twine you use.  The beauty of this pattern is that you can make it as short or long as you want it to be, just adjust the number of snowflakes or number or chains to suit.

How to make

  1. Using the coloured yarn/twine, make a slip knot leaving 300mm of yarn loose.
  2. Make 30 chains, then make a slip stitch through one of the snowflake points.
  3. Continue step 2 until all the snowflakes have been joined into the garland.
  4. Make another 30 chains and fasten off, leaving a 300mm loose end.
  5. On each end tie a loop with the 300mm of yarn.
  6. Hang up your garland, smile, tilt your head on the side and go “owwww” 🙂


I’d love to see a photo of your snowflake garland.
Happy making!

be inspired and learn more about crocheting